Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Becoming Elle Woods

Do you think she woke up one morning and said "I think today I'll go to Law School"?

Yes that is exactly what happened, sort of...

Anyone who knows me knows I love a good argument.  I will even try to make a bad argument a good one at times.  If you again find yourself in the small circle of people who know me you know that my degree is in fashion merchandising.  Now regardless of whether or not you know me you have put together the pieces that yes I am a living version of Elle Woods or at least I am hoping to be.  My whole life I have been told that I would make an incredible lawyer.  So why not see if what everyone thinks is true.  But don't get me wrong I love fashion, I do and if I can spend the rest of my life immersed in it and doing something fabulous I will die happy but I have learned the world is a big scary place and why not have education on your side and why not have a degree in something you are already really good at...

I mean "What? Like it's hard?"

Ok Elle got it wrong, its going to be absurdly hard!  And believe me I will probably be taking the LSAT in 4" heels and my study sessions will involve lots of Starbucks, the only thing missing is the sorority house to make my studying a team effort.  And with my visits to salon lately helping me get back to the blonde I once loved it seems fitting to take a Legally Blonde approach.  But since opening my first study guide I have quickly realized maybe I am not so good at this whole law school thing.  This realization has only fueled my desire to take the test though and score really fucking high because if I'm going to commit I'm going to really commit.  Which means there very well might be scented paper involved and a video essay involving a hot tub and sparkling bikini.

So let the studying begin, because when I score over a 160 I am going to have some big decisions to make and Ivy Leagues to impress.  Then I will be ready to change the world one case at a time all while killin it in Manolo's and Prada (not last seasons)


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