Saturday, June 28, 2014

Just a few things I have learned

Here is what living alone at 23 in a big city has taught me thus far...

  1. You will need to have job experience and your blog doesn't count.
  2. People do not care about what you could do, they want proof of what you have done.
  3. Learn to cook.  At least 5 different meals.
  4. Save your money, that new party dress or 6" heels are not necessary and you will stop wearing them after college.
  5. Invest in yourself. 
  6. Listen and maybe don't speak so much.
  7. Your first apartment on your own will be your sanctuary, choose wisely.
  8. Make sure your bed is the most comfortable place you know.
  9. You will cry, get over it now.
  10. People will not always return your level of honesty or care.
  11. Find the silver lining everyday.
  12. Wash your face twice a day.
  13. Join a gym.
  14. Find the perfect T-Shirt, Boots, Jeans, Sandals, and Dress Pants.  
  15. Make friends with a Dry Cleaner and Tailor.
  16. Make Friends
  17. You will need at least one girlfriend to drink coffee and wine with.
  18. Some days you will feel like not getting out of bed, put on your favorite outfit and don't come home till the sun is down.
  19. The world is messy and complicated and mean.  Toughen up
  20. Not everyone is mean, embrace the nice people you meet.
  21. Smile.
  22. Take Pictures and fill your home with them.  They will give you that extra umph when you need it.
  23. Call your friends back home, they miss you as much as you miss them.
  24. Send thank you notes to everyone for everything.
  25. You might be thinking about going back to school, its OK! You aren't the only one who wasn't as ready as they thought.
  26. Buy a book, then another, and another.
  27. Forgive
  28. Fake it till you believe it
  29. Wear lipstick on days when putting on makeup is too much work.
  30. Always have a bottle of champagne because there will be a day where you just need to celebrate making it through.
  31. Get comfortable being alone, you will need days by yourself to just be.
  32. You will also have days where you are forced to be alone.
  33. Determine how much you are making, what your bills are and stick to your budget.
  34. When you are on a date turn your phone off, this include bff dates.
  35. If you like him tell him.
  36. If you don't tell him.
  37. Remember that life is hard but it can still be fun.
  38. Stay hungry and work hard.
  39. Confidence is key.
  40. Do something crazy everyday.
  41. 30 second dance parties will save your life. Turn up the music and sing!
  42. Allow yourself to fall in love, all the time with everything.
  43. Grow up but remember what it feels like to be a kid.
  44. Stop over-analyzing.
  45. Good shoes will take you good places.
  46. Eat the cupcake.
  47. Wear sunscreen, and get a spray tan instead of a real one.
  48. Stop apologizing.
  49. The world spins on the principle of inherent tragedy, remember this.
  50. Have an opinion.
  51. Learn to intelligently argue.
  52. Fight for what you believe in.
  53. You will have your heartbroken 6 ways to Sunday over and over.  
  54. Learn to love Sunday.
  55. There is no shame in spending a day in bed watching Netflix.
  56.  Make friends with the guy who makes your coffee.
  57.  Say yes, and figure it out later.
  58.  You can go to a bar alone, dance alone, and eat alone.
  59.  Learn to embrace the unexpected.
  60. This is your life, you have the power to be whoever you want to so go on and do it.  Do not wait for permission.

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