Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Carrie Bradshaw Moment

I like to play dress up and from day to day act as if I am Carrie Bradshaw living the fabulous life drinking champagne and wearing Manolos.  However most days you will find me in ripped jeans and a giant sweater that is more like a blanket with sleeves but anyways I like to play dress up.  Well last night was date night and because I lost a bet and finally got a reservation we were going to be dining at best steak house in Chicago on me.  This meant I had every intention of dressing up and making a thing of it, which is exactly what I did.  Not to mention this restaurant makes the best champagne cocktail, it is straight out of The Great Gatsby so believe me this was going to be an affair to remember.  No one who knows me will find this surprising and those of you who have no idea who the hell I am well you should have a decent idea by now.

I decided an appropriate outfit would be a nearly floor length tutu, cashmere sweater and silver italian leather pumps.  I love wearing a statement skirt, specifically tutus so when I happened upon this gem in Anthropologie I knew it was love at first sight and one day I would find myself wandering down streets walking home with a gentleman and know that I was having a real Carrie Bradshaw moment.  And low and behold that night was last night.  I found myself at 11pm wrapped up in a fairytale and realizing that I am becoming exactly who I want to be.


ps.  I highly recommend Champagne Cocktails!

 Outfit Details: Skirt from Anthropologie, Heels from Jcrew, Sweather Jcrew, Necklace Vintage Pearls.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Let's Have a Drink

I love a glass of champagne, I could drink champagne daily if I society didn't call people that drink daily and sometimes alone alcoholics and if alcohol wasn't so expensive in Chicago.  For me champagne fixes everything, it makes an ordinary day feel like a celebration and a crappy day seem like a minor hiccup in the grand scheme of things.  Champagne makes one feel rich and glamorous even when its being drank in sweats watching Sex and the City.   It is safe to say champagne is one of the best inventions besides high heels.   I am truly the kind of girl who would be happy with flowers in her hair and champagne in her hand rather than diamonds around her neck and wrists.  Because of this I have mastered the art of Champagne Cocktails so here is one of my favorites:


Friday, May 2, 2014

COMMITMENT: one word with a huge meaning

Well I signed a one year lease on my little apartment in the Chicago Gold Coast.  I spent weeks looking for other places to live and working out all the details on paper but I decided my first apartment will stay my first apartment for the next year.  I will experience all the summer festivities and the horrible winter here.  Luckily my 15th floor studio is a block from my new (second) job at Kate Spade.  Which side bar I am very excited to start because filling my days with beautiful things from a brand I adore is going to be exciting.  But back to commitment...I am officially staying in Chicago, not that I was planning on leaving after my sublet ended but it is all very, and I mean very real now.  It is also extremely exciting, like I have spent the day making my apartment really feel like home, and making sure it is everything I could want in my first apartment!

My whole life commitment has been a slight issue, I either jump in head first with no thought or I detail everything that could happen good or bad.  I lean towards planning extensively and making sure there is really nothing that could go wrong.  And typically I go with the safe option and have several backup plans.  This time I just went with my gut and let's be honest a lot can go wrong in this situation.  I have chosen to let go of all the what ifs I have managed to dream up and jump head first with my fingers crossed which I think is something people should do more often.

When you think about it making a commitment is really more exciting than it is scary.  So what if things go wrong, really, really wrong? You learned something didn't you.  The best example of this is falling in love, you can't be scared of loving someone because you could miss out on the best times of your life, you could let the best thing that has ever happened to you slip out of your fingers based on fear.  I love Chicago and yes she could royally fuck me six ways to sunday but I bet that sunday will still be my favorite day of the week.  You can't control life you just have to allow yourself to commit especially in matters where your heart flutters and learn as you go!

So here's to Chicago the biggest commitment I have made for now, come visit!
