Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Some Say it Takes a Village...

I prefer to call it a Band of Bitches...

In this world you need to have people to stand by you and believe me if I didn't know that before I moved I know it now.  Girlfriends/Bitches are your soul mates, they are who stand by you and pour you that last shot you shouldn't have and in the morning they do not judge they go to lunch with you and plan the next adventure.  The world is lonely and I live alone now so I have learned that while I love living alone I really miss my old roommate coming home and watching Dance Moms with me or making me a grilled cheese after a long day.  When I am sitting on the bus and there are two girls chatting and drinking Starbucks I get a little misty and remember all the coffees and conversations I have had with my bitches back home.  You don't realize that in friendships it is really the little things that will make you cry after you leave them behind and embark on a new adventure.  Also making friends is going to be the death of me, one because I suck at it and two because I am not kidding when I say I HATE EVERYONE...ok maybe I am kidding a little bit but seriously I do not know how to make friends.

How does a slightly single girl in the city find bitches...

I have a couple friends who I knew before I moved here and luckily one had a great girlfriend whom I like so we can add one to Team Bitches and I know a couple others whom I just need to get in touch with but I am learning that adult relationships require time and work and I can barely handle myself attempting to date a boy much less add girls into the mix.  So, back to why having bitches is so important...well first off being able to be like "hey wanna go kill a couple hours at Starbucks" and have someone agree would change my life! If I asked the boy I'm dating if he was cool with chillin' and eating at Starbucks he would act like I was crazy.  As I am writing this I am in Starbucks and was really contemplating asking him to meet me here for dinner.  Which leads me to the other thing, who am I supposed to call to drink wine and eat takeout and bitch about the boy I am communication with my band of bitches back home is solely through text except when I cried on my birthday to Alex because well I was having a meltdown over feeling alone in the big city, which lets be honest I am not completely alone but my first birthday where everyone wasn't making plans to hang out with me was weird.   But when you move things change and people kinda forget about you and forget that you are in a huge city practically alone so they also forget you might need them to call and check in.  I forget this quite often seeing as I have not called anyone back home who is not immediate family since I moved.  I guess ultimately I need to find some bitches because I really miss the bitches back home and while they can most definitely not ever be replaced but I could use some girl on girl!


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