Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Hello Darling: The Rules of Being a Lady

I recently read an article on the rules governing what makes a gentleman, and I thought, why haven't I ever read something like this for women! Sure there are books on manners and how to host a dinner party and of course, the "how to win a husband" ones but why can't I just find a quick read on how to be a modern lady. I quickly began compiling a list of things I believe in, have been told by my mother, or have observed from women I am in awe of.  As the list fell together not only did I have a better sense of the woman I am becoming everyday,  I knew I had to share this with as many other women as possible.  So without further adieu, my rules!

  1. Read: read the news, read books, read people
  2. Invest in stationary: now send letters weekly
  3. Find your signature scent
  4. Call your parents: we often forget as we get older that they to are getting older and they miss the little kids we used to be
  5. Embrace your tribe: these are your people, they have your back when you can't get out of bed and when you are on top of the world                                                           
  6. Color your hair: but remember that the color you were born with was given to you for a reason but go crazy.  Just don't forget your roots
  7. Stop judging: others and yourself
  8. Drink Bourbon: know when and how to do so
  9. Play dress up
  10. Learn to listen: listen to everyone, you never know when you will need someone to hear you or what you will learn by hearing others
  11. Be gracious: always
  12. Learn to dance
  13. Learn to cook: know 3 recipes well and experiment from there.  You will cook for lovers, friends and the family of your lover as well as your family so it's a skill worth cultivating
  14. Travel: alone, and with someone. Go out and explore. Find yourself in cities and people all around the world
  15. Photograph everything: the internet holds most of our memories now but print out pictures and keep them in books 
  16. Call your grandparents: they want to know you are ok, they also have the best advice and recipes
  17. Invest:  in your shoes, your bed, and your coats
  18. Eat alone:  find a place where you can grab a seat and enjoy your own company
  19. Go on dates: with yourself, "treat yo self"
  20. Workout: how you want and when you want.  French women walk to cafes, some women run marathons, do what you love
  21. Shoot: get comfortable with a gun in your hands
  22. Gamble: learn to play poker
  23. Party: gather everyone around a table and have yourself a dinner party
  24. Love hard: give boys(or girls) a chance to know you and love you.  The greatest love is that which you have for yourself and the love you give to those around you without needing it in return.  LOVE HARD 
  25. Collect art
  26. Wear vintage
  27. Cultivate your passions
  28. Know how to walk in 6" heels but always have black flats in your bag
  29. Invest in a beautiful handbag
  30. Don't Settle:  in any aspect of your life
  31. Kiss the gentleman 
  32. Find your "style"
  33. Take care of your skin
  34. Get manicures and pedicures
  35. When you meet the family, bring them something special
  36. Write thank you's 
  37. Stand up for yourself and for others
  38. Buy the drinks sometimes
  39. Learn a language (or 2 or 3)
  40. Put away electronics: you will enjoy those couple hours without interruption
  41. Write your own stories: every day
  42. Know the dress code: when in doubt overdress
  43. Buy fresh flowers
  44. Laugh and make those around you laugh
  45. Find your signature red lip
  46. Know when to say no but never say no to an adventure
  47. Have lunch with the women you admire and pick their brains because they have stood where you do and they know things you do not
  48. Accept nothing less than the best from the men you allow into your life.  He should open doors for you and never leave you wondering how he feels about you
  49. High standards are not high maintenance
  50. Maturity doesn’t mean age; it means sensitivity, manners, and how you react
  51. Give your time to the people who need it most
  52. Prioritize: you don't have to have it all together but you should be put together
  53. Do not gossip, just don't
  54. Drama is best served on a stage or in a movie not in your life
  55. Wit is admirable, learn to dish it with ease
  56. Care too much
  57. Become unforgettable
  58. Be kind: overly kind, kind to everyone, cultivate kindness in every aspect of your life
  59. Embrace your flaws: they very well might be your greatest strengths
  60. Remember that you are allowed to be a masterpiece and a work of art simultaneously
  61. Believe in fairytales
  62. Always tell the truth
  63. Never stop learning: intelligence is utterly sexy
  64. You know what else is sexy, confidence! Own who you are and who you are becoming
  65. On that note: continue evolving
  66. Understand that ambition is not a dirty word
  67. Wear pretty things under your pretty things, even better under you sweats
  68. Be able to use and understand sarcasm, it is a sign of social competence
  69. Being a good person will never go out of style
  70. Embrace the ability to tell people what they mean to you
  71. Do not ever pressure anyone into anything, this includes your boyfriend and putting a ring on it
  72. Compliment everyone
  73. Years, lovers, and glasses of wine are things that should never be counted
  74. How you treat people will ultimately always describe the kind of person you are
  75. Love people through the worst of times and in the best of times.  You have the ability to change someones life with love, never take that for granted
  76. "You're a woman, bring every man you meet to his knees"

There is nothing sexier than a woman who knows who she is and where she is going.   You are amazing now go out and change the world!

I would love to keep adding to this list so please add all your rules in the comments!


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