Tuesday, December 16, 2014

All Things Blyss

Lara Stone by Gilles Marie Zimmermann for The Sunday Times Style, August 3, 2014

Blyss: meaning joy, cheer, intense happiness.
Amara: beloved, eternal beauty, imperishable.

I guess you can say my parents had high hopes for me from the beginning because they gave me a loaded name, and you know people expect you to live up to your names.  I think thus far I have, I mean I have a boss whose response to a person asking about any flaws I might have she said I am too happy.  Beloved yes, Eternal beauty well not to be vain but I don’t think I look like a troll or anything so there’s that, and imperishable well let’s say I’m pretty sure given a cape and some latex leggings I could save the world.  I figured the best way to kick off this event of 12 days of Blyss I should begin with a bit of a biography. 

Basically I can be summed up into my Tumblr Bio which is: Recent college graduate setting out to be the real Elle Woods.  A world filled with my adventures and mistakes all courtesy to my pre-quarter life crisis.   Heading to Law School, maybe even The Peace Corps, a few broken hearts and some serious big city explorations.  Just your girl next door with higher heels, better hair.  Nothing is ever as it seems and no dreams are ever too big.  My life can be summed up into Taylor Swift’s 1989 the deluxe edition, 80’s movies minus the grand gestures, Hemingway and Fitzgerald novels without the romances, and a hint of Fight Club.  Welcome to the Big Top.

Eloise at the Plaza

Now that we got that out of the way you should also know I have an intense desire to change the world and I am crazy enough to think I can!  I am fairly certain one day I will make a groundbreaking discovery and be able to create lasting world peace.  I mean honestly I think if I was put in a room with all the leaders of the world we could come to an agreement on how to get things done within a year or less.

Also, I am a giant paradox, a series of contradictions.  I am the girl who constantly loves more but swears she is a stone cold bitch.  I love to be alone but am worried everyone is hanging out without me.  I am well aware that I am totally strange, people have been telling me my whole life but I learned it is my best quality.  I am very calculated and at the same time the girl who goes with her gut not her head. 

I am a writer, obviously.  I think it is the one thing I can clearly label myself because it is something I have always done.  Make me mad, I write.  Fall in love, I write.  Broken heart, oh yea definitely writing.  Just figuring out life means pages of writing.  I write about everything.  My notebooks are the musings of my mind every second of everyday. 

I am one of a kind.  You’ll never meet anyone like me. 

I like to think that all these things that make me who I am will one day be sprawled out in a book and people all over will read it and be utterly and completely inspired.  I hope you are.

Welcome to 12 days of Blyss!


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