Sunday, November 23, 2014

Dark and Twisty

Here’s the thing when I left Chicago I couldn’t admit that I was really leaving.  I all of a sudden felt this need to be logical and practical so quickly I pushed everything I loved to one side and gave it zero value because obviously the fact that I was throwing away money on rent and not finding full time employment that paid the bills trumped everything.   I convinced myself that Chicago was not for me and had a whole slew of reasons why in case anyone questioned my logic.  I had it worked down to a single speech I could give with little variation to anyone who asked or made me feel as though I needed to justify what I was doing.   I told people coming home was my sabbatical, wouldn’t last longer than a year and I just needed a moment to myself to figure out what I wanted out of life.  The next thing I knew I was having my last meal in Chicago with my best friend then standing in an airport filled with the sense that I wasn't making the right decision and just waiting for a sign to not go, I needed a grand gesture.  It never came and I boarded that plane home.  Unfortunately I probably should’ve bought a ticket to Bali if clearing my head was really what I wanted.  Truth be told I know exactly what I want, everything.  And now every time I give my little speech to people shocked by my return home I feel a tinge of pain.  Leaving Chicago was the worst and best thing I ever did, because I realized I should’ve stayed and ultimately I have to stop running because in the words of Holly Golightly: no matter how far you run, you always run into yourself.   One month after leaving, I was faced with the chance to go back, I turned it down because yet again when practicality was weighed it didn't add up.  I would sell my soul to get out of New Mexico again but something has me wondering should I take the leap?  A year ago I was planning moves to NYC, maybe Paris, and then settled on Chicago without even a second thought so why now am I so concerned with what is and is not “practical”?  I am the opposite of practical by any definition; I wear ball gowns to brunch and can justify $400 shoes  For the first time in my life I can’t trust my heart, and I am a lead with your heart and tell your head to figure it out kind of person.   So the biggest question here is what happened in a year that messed me up so much? 

Claudia Schiffer in Look at Claudia for Vogue Italia, March 2009 by Patrick Demarchelier Styled by Patti Wilson

I am not sure if somewhere along the way I lost my unending self-confidence and belief that I was made for something larger, maybe I let the practical people in my life get into my head, maybe somewhere along the way I was told too many times that I have my head way too far up in the clouds.  I think perhaps I did the unthinkable and grew up and forgot those childish fantasies filled with whimsy and courage.  I think I forgot fairytales exist and like my brother said became colder than Chicago.  I have always been a little dark and twisty inside but I worry the dark over came all the glitter and gold. 

I refuse to settle, for a life less than extraordinary, for a man who isn’t ride or die, for a city who is never setting a higher standard, and for a job that doesn’t evoke passion every single day.   I will find that girl who was glitter and gold and fancy full of whimsy.  And I won’t find her here.  So here’s to throwing caution into the wind, saying yes, and learning how to believe in a world where I can have it all again.  I can tell I am on the brink of something extraordinary, I can feel it in my bones and in my heart. 


Ps.  To my littlest Knicks I know I said you would be in my next post but it took a turn and I promise on French fries and Red wine you will get your post! Love you

Friday, November 7, 2014

Liar Liar

Carrie Bradshaw lied

While the woman gave me the power to own my fashion statements and make excuses for drinking fancy coffee, while at one point smoking Marlboro Lights, and deciding that my life will be considered complete when I am purchasing an apt in Manhattan with a man I love while wearing Manolo Blahniks.  She is dirty dirty liar.    
Why you might ask…well for starters being single is not the worst thing in the world (not even Taylor Swift thinks so).  Wearing heels every day is painful, very painful.  Getting a job at Vogue is not as easy as it looks.  Just because you write a witty article doesn’t mean writing a book will fall in your lap (I certainly haven’t been approached for a book deal).  And last but not least there is nothing romantic about being heartbroken.
What Carrie got right though was our friends are our soul-mates, the shoes and the bag and the dress are always worth it, boys come and go but you will eventually get your “BIG” love and at the end of the day if all else fails go get yourself a Cosmo!
So while I am sitting here writing this you should know I am going to buy the shoes, drink the coffee, and make plans with all those girls who I haven’t seen in way too long!  And when my BIG love comes along you will be the first to know.

PS maybe a book is in the works…
