Monday, January 26, 2015

Merci Beaucoup

I spent a weekend back in Chicago, and to say it was just what I needed doesn't even scratch the surface of how good this weekend was for me.  From the plane ride with my "hello handsome stranger" encounter to my last cup of coffee with my best friend, the trip was everything.  I finally gained some perspective that I so desperately needed; this life is mine to love, therefore, it will only be filled with people, places, and things that I love.

Now, my last day in the Windy City I was told by one of my favorite people that she occasionally reads this blog of mine which thrilled me immediately! However, she went on to say that one of my posts had really hit home for her and inspired her.  I was floored and could do nothing besides thank her which led to me just thanking her over and over for telling me!

I forget people read my ramblings on here and sometimes I think I'm just doing it for myself, to get whatever I need to out of my head.  It reminded me that I am actually doing something here, sometimes I can feel like nothing is happening because I'm back home where nothing ever happens. The fact of the matter is, everyday I get to sit down at my computer and write.  I get to do what I love and share that.

I guess what I am trying to say is thank you to all of you who are reading this, I hope I continue to inspire you on my crazy little journey of life.


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