Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Grab Your Passport and My Hand...

I am serious, lets go.

I think it is true what they say, that a life without adventures is not a life at all.  At least not for me.  So here I am passport in hand ready to see the world.  I want to dance on white sand beaches at midnight, sip a latte in paris, watch the bulls in spain, drink german beer, sit in the park bench from "the fault in our stars", street race in tokyo, and so so so much more.  I have this rare opportunity before me to see the world and immerse myself into all these different experiences and adventures, so I am running with it.  Whether it is merely a day trip to NYC or San Francisco or a quick trip to lay on the beach in Miami, an adventure is an adventure.  Why not just go?

Before today I was a much more calculated person, I had plans and when plans failed I had more plans and when that didn't work I had anxiety attacks.  I don't know when it happened but slowly I have been learning to let go and jump farther and faster into the unknown.  Just the other day I found myself in New York City at 1 am with absolutely no where to stay and after briefly contemplating sleeping in the park I figured it out and low and behold it is kinda a funny story now.  Just another adventure.  There is truly something to be said for embracing life and just having some fun, whatever that means to you.

For me fun is wandering around at 1 am in the city or drinking coffee at 8 pm with a good book or getting dressed up to go to lunch with friends and play life size jenga.  I can get down with buckets of champagne or sitting at a brewery drinking craft beer to nights turned into mornings on the Vegas strip laughing with your best friends.   It is all these moments that were once adventures that have changed my life.  So why not have more of these moments all over the country...all over the world?

I dare you to join me in an adventure and treat yourself to something out of the ordinary, out of your comfort zone, jump, run, go, travel!  Do something crazy, have insane courage for 20 seconds and surprise yourself.

please grab your passport and never look back!

see you all over the world darlings
